An important thing to remember is that applying for a HARP loan in Florida may initially be quite confusing given the number of forms that need to be completed and you must realize that the organization is not your money lender, but an insurer of your loan from a bank or financial institution. However, do not make the mistake of applying for large credit lines, buying new vehicles or increasing your credit card limit. This will undoubtedly negatively affect the income to debt ratio and could disqualify you from getting a HARP loan.
One last tip: your papers must be absolutely current, valid and in order. Failure to enclose even one minor document can disqualify you. When going to submit your papers, make sure that you carry all originals that may be verified against enclosed copies if required. These include bank statements, check stubs and all assorted loan papers which the authorities have every right to check and may ask from time to time while processing your application.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call my office at 321-377-4211 or email me at . I am here for you!